SQL for relational database management

English + Hindi
24 hours
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Course Contents

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the leading programming language for relational database management systems.

This course helps learners to successfully start working with SQL databases and make use of the database in your applications. Learn  to correctly structure database, author efficient SQL statements, and clauses, and manage SQL database for scalable growth.

  1. Introduction to SQL
    1. SQL Server Overview and Installation
    2. SQL Commands (DDL,DML,DCL,TCL,DQL)
  2. Database Management
    1. Creating altering and dropping a database
    2. Creating and working with tables
    3. Rename Database,Table and Field
    4. Union and Intersect in SQL Server
    5. Where Clasue ,In Operator, WildCharacters
    6. Operators
  3. Functions in SQL
    1. Aggregate Functions and  Date Functions
    2. Text Functions (Left,Right,CharIndex,Substring)
    3. IF and Case Statement
    4. Create Copy of Table
    5. Constraints
    6. Adding and Drop Constraints
    7. Data Type in SQL Server
  4. Group By and Having
  5. Joins in SQL Server
  6. Stored Procedures
  7. Create View and Get SQL Data into Excel
  8. Create and Execute Trigger
    1. Alter Trigger
  9. Pivot in SQL Server and Error Handling
  10. Subqueries In SQL Server
  11. Job creation and scheduling
  12. Cursor

Basic knowledge of coding

Instructor Profile


White Knight Ventures is in the quest of imparting top-of-the-class knowledge. We are engaged in continuous improvement of content and processes to build value for our learners.

This course includes:

  • 100% Online Sessions
  • Instructor led
  • Customizable Syllabus
  • Customizable Schedule
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Training Recordings
  • Training Resources
  • Learner Assessment
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