SAS for Data Science

English + Hindi
45 hours
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Course Contents

Learn SAS for data science.

  1. Getting Started with SAS - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1 : Introduction to SAS programs
    2. Topic 2 : Submitting a SAS program
    3. Topic 3 : How to Execute SAS program
    4. Topic 4 : Mastering fundamental concepts
    5. Topic 4 : Diagnosing and correcting syntax errors
    6. Quiz
  2. Getting Familiar with SAS Data Sets - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1 :  Examining descriptor and data portions
    2. Topic 2 : Accessing SAS data libraries(SET)
    3. Quiz
  3. Getting Familiar with SAS Data Sets - 2 hours
    1. Topic 3: Accessing relational databases(IMPORT CSV,EXCEL)
    2. Topic 4: EXPORT the Data
    3. Quiz
  4. Reading SAS Data Sets - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1 : Introduction to reading data
    2. Topic 2 :  Using SAS data as input
    3. Topic 3 : Subsetting observations and variables
    4. Quiz, Activity
  5. Reading Delimited Raw Data Files - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1 :  Using standard delimited data as input
    2. Topic 2 :  Validating data with the PRINT and FREQ procedures(PROC PRINT and FREQ)
  6. Manipulating Data - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1 :  Creating variables
    2. Topic 2: Creating variables conditionally
  7. Combining SAS Data Sets - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1 : Introduction to combining data sets
    2. Topic 2 : Appending a data set
    3. Topic 3 :• Merging data sets one-to-one
    4. Assignment on String
  8. Character function - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1 : Splitting and joining strings(TRIM,SCAN)
    2. Topic 2 : Splitting and joining strings(concatenate,substr)
    3. Topic 3 : Characracter function(upcase,lowcase,proper case)
    4. Assignment on function
  9. Character function - 1 hour
    1. Compress and Compbl function
    2. Quiz
  10. Mathematical function in SAS - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1: Max function
    2. Topic 2 :Min function
    3. Topic 3: Ranuni function
    4. Topic 4 : Sqrt function
    5. Scenario based activity
  11. Date Function - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1 : Date Function(datediff)
    2. Topic 2 : Itnck Function
    3. Topic 3 : Itnx Function
  12. Stastical Function - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1 : Proc Means(Mean,Mode,Median,Variance,Standard Deviance)
    2. Quiz
  13. Stastical Function - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1: Proc Univariate(Descriptive Statistics)
    2. Quiz
  14. Summary Reports - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1: Proc Freq(creating Reports)
    2. Topic 2 : Tabulate
    3. Quiz
  15. SAS/GRAPH - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1 : Bar and pie charts
    2. Topic 2 : scatter charts
    3. Topic 3 : column chart
    4. Topic 4 : Creating plots
    5. Topic 5  Enhancing output
    6. Assignment on Graphs
  16. Data Transformations - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1 : Manipulating character values
    2. Topic 2 :  Manipulating numeric values
    3. Topic 3: Converting variable type
  17. Debugging Techniques - 1 hour
    1. Topic 2 :  Using the DEBUG option
  18. Processing Data Iteratively - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1 :  DO-loop processing
    2. Topic 2 :  SAS array processing
    3. Topic 3 : Using SAS arrays
    4. Assignment based on loop and Arrays
  19. Decision making - 1 hour
    1. IF_THEN_ELSE function
    2. created a Temperature Assignment
  20. Restructuring a Data Set - 1 hour
    1. Rotating with the DATA step
    2. Using the TRANSPOSE procedure
  21. Restructuring a Data Set - 2 hours
    1. Revise Whole Base SAS
    2. Taken online Exam of Base SAS
  22. Controlling I/O Processing and Memory - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1: Controlling I/O
    2. Topic 2: Controlling data set size
    3. Topic 3: Compressing SAS data sets 
  23. Controlling I/O Processing and Memory - 1 hour
    1. Topic 4:  Controlling memory
    2. Topic 5:Controlling the page size and the number of available buffers
  24. Accessing Observations - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1:Creating and using an index
    2. Topic 2: Creating a sample data set
  25. Introduction to Lookup Techniques - 1 hour
    1. Topic 1:  Introduction to lookup techniques
    2. Topic 2:  In-memory lookup techniques
    3. Topic 3: Disk storage techniques
  26. Creating and Using Formats - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1:  Using formats as lookup tables
    2. Topic 2: Using a picture format
  27. Combining Data Horizontally - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1:DATA step merges and SQL procedure joins
    2. Topic 2: Using an index to combine data
    3. Topic 3:Combining summary and detail data 
  28. Combining Data Horizontally - 2 hours
    1. Topic  1:Combining data conditional
    2. Topic 2: Introduction to SQL joins
    3. Topic 3:Complex SQL joins
    4. Topic 4:Setting SQL procedure options
  29. Introduction to the Macro - 2 hours
    1. Topic  1:Macro Variables
    2. Topic 2:Macro functions
    3. Topic 3:Global and local symbol table
    4. Topic 4:Call SYMPUT
    5. Assignment based on Macro
  30. Set Operators - 2 hours
    1. Topic 1: Introduction to set operators
    2. Topic 2: The EXCEPT operator
    3. Topic 3: The INTERSECT operator
    4. Topic 4:  The UNION operator
    5. Topic 5  The OUTER UNION operator
  31. Set Operators - 2 hours
    1. Revise Whole Advance SAS
    2. Exam taken on Advance SAS


Instructor Profile


I am a trainer with 6 years of experience..I am certified in SAS ,SQL and PYTHON. My key skills are SAS,SQL and Python.

This course includes:

  • 100% Online Sessions
  • Instructor led
  • Customizable Syllabus
  • Customizable Schedule
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Training Recordings
  • Training Resources
  • Learner Assessment
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