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Course Contents

Induction AWS cloud training for new hires to get them project ready.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Solutions Architect

Introduction to Cloud Computing

1. A Short History

2. Client Server Computing Concepts

3. Challenges with Distributed Computing

4. Introduction to Cloud Computing

5. Why Cloud Computing?

6. Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Deployment Models

1. Private Cloud

2. Public Cloud

3. Hybrid Cloud

Cloud Delivery/Service Models

1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

1. Introduction to AWS services

2. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

3. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

4. Elastic Block Storage (EBS)

5. Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

6. Auto Scaling

7. Amazon Glacier Storage

8. Identity and Access Management (IAM)

9. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) +Networking

10. Route-53

11. Web deployment with Windows Linux distributions apache web servers

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Essentials

1. Regions and Availability Zones – Choose the right Region

2. Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

3. Working with AMIs

4. Choosing the right AMI

5. Deciding what goes into an AMI

6. Finding the right AMI

7. Pricing model in EC2 instances

8. On-demand, Reserved, Scheduled, Spot instances, Dedicated Hosts

9. EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace

10. Importing and Exporting Instances

EC2 Instances

1. Building an EC2 Windows instance & Linux Instance

2. Boot strapping with user-data.

3. Setting up security

4. Security with Key Pairs

5. Working with the Security Group

6. Different IPs assigned to an EC2 instance

7. Assigning Elastic IPs

8. Login/Access to the instance

9. Creating your own custom AMI, Registering & Granting access to the AMI

10. EC2 instance protection

11. Instance Roles

12. Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs)

13. Resources and Tags

14. Accessing Meta-Data & use cases.

Elastic Block Store (EBS)

1. EBS Volume Types

2. EBS Encryption

3. EBS Performance

4. EBS new volume mounting architecture

5. Instance Stores Available on Instance Types

6. Instance Store Usage Scenarios

7. Adding Instance Store Volumes to an AMI

8. Creating and deleting volumes

9. Attaching and detaching volumes

10. Creating snapshots

Elastic Load Balancer

1. What Is Elastic Load Balancing

2. How Elastic Load Balancing Works

3. Classic & App ELB types.

4. Creating load balancer

5. Internal & External Load balancers

6. Load balancing protocols

7. Listener Configurations

8. SSL Negotiation Configurations

9. Attach & Detach Subnets

10. Security groups for the load balancer

11. Configure health check for the load balancer

12. Adding multiple instances to the load balancer

13. Custom Domain Names

14. Cross-Zone Load Balancing

15. Sticky Sessions

Simple Storage Service (S3)

1. Creating and deleting buckets

2. Adding objects to buckets

3. Getting objects

4. Deleting objects

5. Notifications

6. Uses of S3 storage

7. Working with Permissions of S3, Access Control, Bucket policy

8. S3 Data encryption types

9. Enable Versioning, Logging for S3 objects

10. Lifecycle rules in s3

Glacier Storage

1. Creating Vaults

2. Working with Archives

3. Accessing the Glacier vault using tools

4. Using Glacier for backups

Identity and Access management (IAM)

1. Creation of user accounts

2. Setting up multi factor Authentication (MFA)

3. Roles in IAM

4. Groups in IAM

5. Delegation of permissions for users

6. Creation of custom policies for delegation

7. Using Identity Providers

8. Cross-Account Access

9. Account settings

10. Credential Report

11. Encryption - Key Management Service (KMS)

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

1. Different types of networks that can be setup in AWS

2. Creating a custom VPC

3. NACLs & Security Groups

4. Creation of Internet Gateway (IGW)

5. Connecting to instances in the gateway

6. Subnets, Route Tables & Association

7. NAT Instances & NAT-Gateways

8. DHCP Options Sets & DNS

9. VPC Peering

10. VPN overview & components

Route 53

1. Configuring Amazon Route 53 as Your DNS Service

2. Registering a Domain Name and Configuring Amazon Route 53 as the DNS Service

3. Migrating DNS Service for an Existing Domain to Amazon Route 53

4. Creating a Subdomain That Uses Amazon Route 53 without Migrating the Parent Domain

5. Health Checks and DNS Failover

6. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Health Checks

Instructor Profile


M.Tech, Sr. Devops Engineer + Research Scholar + International Trainer + Shared expertise with brands like Aws, Netflix, Nike, IBM, Disney+

This course includes:

  • 100% Online Sessions
  • Instructor led
  • Customizable Syllabus
  • Customizable Schedule
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Training Recordings
  • Training Resources
  • Learner Assessment
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